A study from Reppler reveals that 47% of Facebook users have profanity on their walls. Of those, 80% have at least one post or comment with profanity from a friend.
Separately, a study from America’s Journal of Men’s Health analyzed the profiles of 225 male undergrad students at one university for references to alcohol, including photos, and found that 85.53% of the profiles contained at least one reference; on average they contained 8.5.
Has Facebook, and social media, with its strong undercurrent of snarkiness and self-centeredness, brought us to a Lord Of The Flies moment in our culture? The book centers on the conflict between savagery and civilization in an unsupervised, isolated enviroment.
The obscurity and anonymity that veils and strengthens the increasing vitriol that spews across the Web should be a concern to anyone who hopes for a higher ideal. And if you think I'm crazy, just trying playing a couple hands of Hearts on Yahoo! without being verbally eviscerated.